Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.
  • Chair S. Forseth,
  • Director M. LeBourdais,
  • and Director G. Kirby (via phone)
  • Director A. Delainey (for a portion of the meeting)
  • and Director C. Mernett
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • D. Campbell, Manager of Community Services,
  • L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant,
  • and B. Holden, Regional Economic & Community Development Officer

  • CCR.2020-9-1

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2020-9-2

    That the minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held June 24, 2020, be received and adopted.

    By Consensus

    Director Delainey joined the meeting.

  • CCR.2020-9-3

    That the agenda item summary from Stuart Larson, Manager of Protective Services, dated September 10, 2020, regarding the Williams Lake Fringe Fire Protection Services Renewal agreement, be received. Further that item 2.3 be removed and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement, as amended.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2020-9-4

    ​That the Action Page as presented at the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on September 16, 2020, be received.  Further that Items 1 and 2 be removed.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2020-9-5

    ​That the meeting be closed to the public to discuss items suitable for discussion in-camera pursuant to Section 90(1)(j) of the Community Charter.


    By Consensus

    The meeting recessed at 3:51 p.m. to go in-camera.

    The meeting reconvened at 4:15 p.m.


    Chair S. Forseth, Director A. Delainey, Director M. LeBourdais, Director G. Kirby (via phone)

    ABSENT :

    Director C. Mernett

    STAFF :

    J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer, D. Campbell, Manager of Community Services, L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, B. Holden, Regional Economic & Community Development Officer

  • CCR.2020-9-6

    ​That the meeting of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus be adjourned at 4:15 p.m., September 16, 2020.

    By Consensus