Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.
  • Chair B. Simpson,
  • Vice-Chair A. Richmond,
  • Director M. Sjostrom,
  • Director B. Bachmeier,
  • Director J. Massier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director M. LeBourdais,
  • Director M. Wagner,
  • Director J. Glassford,
  • Director G. Kirby,
  • Director C. Mernett,
  • Director W. Macdonald,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • Director G. Fourchalk,
  • Director S. Watson,
  • Alternate Director E. Montgomery,
  • Alternate Director J. Ryll,
  • and Alternate Director L-A Roodenburg

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-1
    MovedDirector Wagner
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-2
    MovedDirector Macdonald
    SecondedDirector Campsall

    That the minutes of the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board meeting held March 26, 2021, be received and adopted.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-3
    MovedDirector Sjostrom
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    That the Delegations Memorandum of Business, as of April 16, 2021, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-4
    MovedDirector LeBourdais
    SecondedAlternate Director Ryll

    That the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District 2020 Audit Findings letter from JoAnn M. Francis, CPA, CA, PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, dated April 7, 2021, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-5
    MovedDirector Fourchalk
    SecondedAlternate Director Roodenburg

    That the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District consent calendar items, as of April 16, 2021, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • CCH.2021-4-6
    MovedDirector Forseth
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the BC Gov News release, dated April 7, 2021, announcing the selection of Graham Design Builders LP as the proponent for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital redevelopment project, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • CCH.2021-4-7
    MovedDirector Delainey
    SecondedDirector Macdonald

    That Interior Health be invited to discuss program development in Health Sciences with  Thompson Rivers University (TRU).

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • CCH.2021-4-8
    MovedAlternate Director Ryll
    SecondedDirector Fourchalk

    That the agenda item summary from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated March 31, 2021, regarding a request for the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District to provide funding by way of a Foundation Partnership Grant, be received. Further, that 40% of the total cost for the South Cariboo Hospital Society’s purchase of a Coagulation Analyzer be approved from the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Foundation Partnership Grants program.

    Carried Unanimously

Vice-Chair Al Richmond provided a brief verbal update.

The meeting recessed at 9:46 a.m.

The meeting reconvened at 11:15 a.m.


Vice-Chair A. Richmond, Director M. Wagner

Via electronic means:  Director M. Sjostrom, Director S. Forseth, Director A. Delainey, Director M. LeBourdais, Director J. Glassford, Director G. Kirby, Director C. Mernett, Director W. Macdonald, Director M. Campsall, Director G. Fourchalk, Director S. Watson, Alternate Director E. Montgomery, Alternate Director J. Ryll, Alternate Director L-A Roodenburg


Chair B. Simpson, Director B. Bachmeier, Director J. Massier, Director W. Cobb


J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer, K. Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, A. Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, C. Keam, Manager of Communications, J. Kozuki, IT Support, M. Croft, Recording Secretary


JoAnn Francis from PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP joined the meeting to present the Audited 2020 CCRHD Financial Statements.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-9
    MovedDirector Campsall
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    That the Audited 2020 Financial Statements for the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District, prepared by PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, be received and approved as presented.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2021-4-10
    MovedDirector Fourchalk
    SecondedDirector Mernett

    ​That the meeting of the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board be adjourned at 11:25 a.m., April 16, 2021.

    Carried Unanimously