SOUTH CARIBOO JOINT COMMITTEE AGENDAMonday, February 10, 2025 12:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.District of 100 Mile House Council Chambers385 Birch Avenue100 Mile House, BC1.CALL TO ORDER (The meeting is scheduled to commence at 12:00 p.m.)1.1Adoption of Agenda That the agenda be adopted as presented.2.ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2.1Minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting - November 18, 2024 1.South Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - November 18, 2024.pdfThat the minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting, held November 18, 2024, be adopted.3.DELEGATIONS 3.112:00 p.m. Delegation - Dawson Road Maintenance Representatives from Dawson Road Maintenance will be in attendance to provide details regarding winter road maintenance plans for the South Cariboo.3.212:30 p.m. Delegation - 100 Mile Youth Initiative 1.PNP - Design Contract - Skatepark 062222.pdf2.CRC Design Services Catalog V2.0 (1).pdf3.CRC Concrete References 11-2024.pdfMaria Roddick from the 100 Mile Youth Initiative will be in attendance to discuss the group's efforts in bringing a skate park to the community.4.DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1South Cariboo Recreation Centre - Outdoor Rink and Washroom Building 1.SCRC - Outdoor Rink and Washroom Project Report.pdf4.2South Cariboo Recreation Centre - Media Booth Project 1.SCRC - Media Booth Project - Conceptual Estimate Report.pdf5.ADJOURNMENT That the meeting of the South Cariboo Joint Committee be adjourned at TIME, February 10, 2025.No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.South Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - November 18, 2024.pdf1.SCRC - Outdoor Rink and Washroom Project Report.pdf1.SCRC - Media Booth Project - Conceptual Estimate Report.pdf1.PNP - Design Contract - Skatepark 062222.pdf2.CRC Design Services Catalog V2.0 (1).pdf3.CRC Concrete References 11-2024.pdf