Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.
  • Chair J. Glassford,
  • Director M. Sjostrom,
  • Director B. Bachmeier,
  • Director J. Massier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director M. LeBourdais,
  • Director A. Richmond,
  • Director M. Wagner,
  • Director G. Kirby,
  • Director W. Macdonald,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • Director G. Fourchalk,
  • and Alternate Director L-A Roodenburg
  • Director C. Mernett
  • and Director B. Simpson
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • K. Erickson, Chief Financial Officer,
  • A. Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO,
  • C. Keam, Manager of Communications,
  • S. Larson, Manager of Protective Services,
  • and M. Croft, Recording Secretary

  • FBC.2020-10-1
    Moved byDirector Campsall
    Seconded byDirector Bachmeier

    ​That the agenda items be adopted as presented.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-2
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the minutes of the Finance-Budget Committee meeting, held March 5, 2020, be received and adopted.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-3
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the 2021 Communications (1011) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously

    D. Campbell, Manager of Community Services, joined the meeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-4
    Moved byDirector Macdonald
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That a goal be added to the 2021 South Cariboo Transit (1028) business plan asking the District of 100 Mile House to write a letter to BC Transit requesting a service review for possible expansion of transit services to Electoral Area L.


    C. Keam, Manager of Communications, left the meeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-5
    Moved byDirector Fourchalk
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the following 2021 Community Services business plans be received:

    • South Cariboo Economic Development (1017)
    • Central Cariboo Economic Development (1025)
    • North Cariboo Economic Development (1026)
    • South Cariboo Transit (1028)
    • North Cariboo Transit (1029)
    • North Cariboo Cemetery (1031)
    • South Cariboo Cemeteries (1035)
    • Central Cariboo Cemetery (1036)
    • Central Cariboo Victim Services (1037)
    • North Cariboo HandyDart (1038)
    • Central Cariboo HandyDart (1039)
    • Central Cariboo Arts and Culture (1665)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-6
    Moved byAlternate Director Roodenburg
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the following 2021 business plans be received:

    • Anahim Lake Airport (1111)
    • Likely and Area Community Services (1112)
    • South Cariboo Regional Airport (1113)
    • Quesnel Regional Airport (1114)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-7
    Moved byAlternate Director Roodenburg
    Seconded byDirector Macdonald

    That the following 2021 business plans be received:

    • South Cariboo Recreation (1546)
    • 108 Greenbelt (1548)
    • Kersley Recreation (1550)
    • McLeese Lake Recreation Facilities (1552)
    • Central Cariboo Recreation (1553)
    • Area H Community Hall and Recreation Facility (1558)
    • Area L Community Halls (1559)
    • Alexis Creek Community Hall (1560)
    • Area F Community Halls (1561)
    • 108 Mile Community Hall (1562)
    Carried Unanimously

    D. Campbell, Manager of Community Services, left the meeeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-8
    Moved byDirector Delainey
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the following 2021 business plans be received:

    • Planning (1005)
    • Heritage Conservation (1670)
    • Building Inspection Services (1007)
    Carried Unanimously


  • FBC.2020-10-9
    Moved byDirector Forseth
    Seconded byDirector Massier

    That the 2021 Library (1660) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-10
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector Wagner

    That the following 2021 Protective Services business plans be received:

    • Forest Grove Fire Protection (1319)
    • 100 Mile Fringe Fire Protection (1320)
    • 108 Mile Fire Protection (1321)
    • Bouchie Lake Fire Protection (1323)
    • Lac La Hache Fire Protection (1324)
    • Red Bluff Two Mile Fire Protection (1325)
    • Deka Lake Fire Protection (1326)
    • 150 Mile Fire Protection (1327)
    • Wells Fire Protection (1328)
    • Lone Butte Fire Protection (1329)
    • Barlow Creek Fire Protection (133)
    • West Fraser Fire Protection (1331)
    • Miocene Fire Protection (1332)
    • Ten Mile Fire Protection (1333)
    • Kersley Fire Protection (1364)
    • Wildwood Fire Proteciton (1365)
    • Interlakes Fire Protection (1367)
    • Williams Lake Contract Fire Protection (1369)
    • South Cariboo Highway Rescue (1374)
    • Central Cariboo Search and Rescue (1375)
    • CRD Quesnel Highway Rescue (1376)
    • CRD Quesnel Search and Rescue (1377)
    • CRD South Cariboo Search and Rescue (1378)
    • West Chilcotin Search and Rescue (1379)
    • 911 Telephone Service (1380)
    • Emergency Planning (All EAs) (1385)
    • Quesnel-Hixon Subdivision Erosion Protection Works Service (1390)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-11
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Bachmeier

    That a Manager of Emergency Planning position and a Regional Fire Services Supervisor/Training Officer position be added to the 2021 Protective Services budget. 

  • FBC.2020-10-12
    Moved byDirector Massier
    Seconded byDirector Cobb

    That a business plan goal be added to the 2021 CRD Quesnel Highway Rescue (1376) and the CRD Quesnel Search and Rescue (1377) business plans requiring that annual reports be obtained from each group.

    Carried Unanimously

    S. Larson, Manager of Protective Services, left the meeting.

    C. Boulet, Manager of Environmental Services, and T. Grady, Supervisor of Solid Waste Management, joined the meeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-13
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Bachmeier

    That the following 2021 Environmental Services business plans be received:

    • Rural Refuse (1008)
    • Solid Waste Management (1009)
    • Invasive Plant Management Program (1010)
    Carried Unanimously

    T. Grady, Supervisor of Solid Waste Management, left the meeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-14
    Moved byDirector Forseth
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the following 2021 Streetlighting business plans be received:

    • Horsefly Streetlighting (1430)
    • Forest Grove Streetlighting (1431)
    • Lac La Hache Streetlighting (1432)
    • Lone Butte Streetlighting (1433)
    • Commodore Streetlighting (1435)
    • Pine Valley Streetlighting (1436)
    • Esler Streetlighting (1437)
    • Shaw Road Streetlighting (1438)
    • Gun-A-Noot Streetlighting (1439)
    • Pacific Road Streetlighting (1440)
    • Kersley Streetlighting (1442)
    • Hwy 26 Streetlighting (1443)
    • 140 Mile Streetlighting (1444)
    • Westcoast-Wildwood Streetlighting (1445)
    • Copper Ridge Streetlighting (1446)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-15
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Sjostrom

    That the following 2021 Water and Sewer business plans be received:

    • Lac La Hache Sewer (1770)
    • Pine Valley Sewer (1772)
    • Wildwood Sewer (1773)
    • Alexis Creek Sewer (1774)
    • Red Bluff Sewer (1775)
    • Lac La Hache Water (1880)
    • Gateway Water (1881)
    • Forest Grove Water (1882)
    • Alexis Creek Water (1883)
    • 108 Mile ater (1884)
    • Central Alexis Creek Water (1885)
    • Russet Bluff Water (1886)
    • Benjamin Water (1887)
    • Canim Lake Water (1888)
    • Horse Lake Water (1889)
    • 103 Mile Water (1890)
    • Lexington Water (1891)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-16
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Macdonald

    That the Forest Grove Water residential user rates be increased by 3% for 2021.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-17
    Moved byDirector Sjostrom
    Seconded byChair Glassford

    That the Red Bluff Sewer residential user rates be increased by 3% for 2021.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-18
    Moved byDirector Forseth
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That staff investigate the financial implications of deferring the Pine Valley Sewer residential user fees increase to 2022 pending a capital asset management plan to be completed in 2021.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-19
    Moved byDirector LeBourdais
    Seconded byDirector Fourchalk

    That the agenda item from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated October 16, 2020, with attached Provisional 2021 – 2025 Five Year Financial Plan reports, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

    Directors Delainey and LeBourdais left the meeting.

  • FBC.2020-10-20
    Moved byDirector Macdonald
    Seconded byDirector Cobb

    That staff investigate and report back on budget scenarios exploring the accumulation of operational reserves, for self-funding purposes, over a longer time period than the current five years proposed in the 2021 provisional five year plan.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2020-10-21
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Massier

    ​That the Finance/Budget Committee meeting be adjourned at 3:49 p.m., October 22, 2020.


    Carried Unanimously