Gibraltar Room
Cariboo Memorial Complex
525 Proctor Street
Williams Lake, BC
  • Chair M. Wagner,
  • Vice-Chair J. Massier,
  • Director M. Sjostrom,
  • Director B. Bachmeier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director A. Richmond,
  • Director J. Glassford,
  • Director G. Kirby,
  • Director C. Mernett,
  • Director W. Macdonald,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director B. Simpson,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • Director G. Fourchalk,
  • and Alternate Director C. Bullinger
  • Director M. LeBourdais
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • K. Erickson, Chief Financial Officer,
  • C. Keam, Manager of Communications,
  • L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant,
  • N. Whitehead, Manager of Planning Services,
  • and M. Croft, Recording Secretary

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-1
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Kirby

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.


​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-2
    MovedDirector Sjostrom
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    ​That the minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held August 20, 2021, be received and adopted.


​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-3
    MovedDirector Glassford
    SecondedDirector Bachmeier

    ​That the Delegations Memorandum of Business, as of September 10, 2021, be received.


Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

2099 Feldspar Avenue
Lot 2, District Lot 3965, Cariboo District, Plan 20859, Except Plans 33068 and EPP39237
From Rural Residential 1 designation to Rural Residential 2 designation
From Rural 1 (RR 1) zone to Rural 2 (RR 2) zone
(3360-20/202100259 – Preston) (Agent: Brad Wiles)
Director Sjostrom

  • 2021-9-4
    MovedDirector Sjostrom
    SecondedDirector Massier

    That Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5329, 2021 and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5330, 2021 be read a third time, this 10th day of September, 2021.


Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

6779 Barnett Road
Lot 13, District Lot 7758, Lillooet District, Plan 32305
(3090-20/20210040 – Gray)
Director Richmond

A. Gray, owner, was present in support of this application.

  • 2021-9-5
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    That the application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to Lot 13, District Lot 7758, Lillooet District, Plan 32305 be approved. Further, that a Development Variance Permit be issued to vary Section 5.18.2 (b) iii) of South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 as follows:

    That the minimum interior side yard setback be reduced from 7.6 metres (24.9 feet) to 1.67 metres (5.5 feet) to allow construction of the proposed storage structure and legalize the existing structures.


Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

4837 Kitwanga Drive
Parcel A (KD80563), District Lot 3603, Lillooet District, Plan 19804
(3090-20/20210032 – Jackson)
Director Richmond

D. Jackson, owner, was present in support of this application.

  • 2021-9-6
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to Parcel A (KD80563), District Lot 3603, Lillooet District, Plan 19804, be approved. Further, that a Development Variance Permit be issued to vary Section 4.14 (e) of the South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 as follows:

    That the combined gross floor area for a property between 0.4 ha to Less than 2.0 ha (0.99 ac. To Less than 4.94 ac.) be increased from 300 sq. m (3,229 sq. ft.) to 311.51 sq. m (3,353.1 sq. ft.) to allow construction of the proposed garage.


    Director Fourchalk joined the meeting.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • 2021-9-7
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the agenda item summary from Virgil Hoefels, Chief Building Official, dated July 29, 2021, regarding Notice on Title – Lot 75, Plan KAP19800, District Lot 3568, Lillooet Land District, be received. Further, that the Manager of Corporate Services at the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter. Further, that upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.


​​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-8
    MovedDirector Glassford
    SecondedDirector Cobb

    ​That the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of August 2021, in the amount of $2,695,041.18, consisting of $121,926.61 paid by cheque, $2,500,700.05 paid through electronic funds, and $72,414.52 paid by Mastercard, be received and ratified.


Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-9
    MovedChair Wagner
    SecondedDirector Bachmeier

    That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated September 2, 2021, regarding a Grant for Assistance Application from Lake of the Trees Bible Camp, requesting $1,000 to purchase a clamshell spine board for its first aid room, be received. Further, that $1,000 be authorized as requested, split equally between the Electoral Areas G and H Grants for Assistance funds.


    Director Forseth joined the meeting.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-10
    MovedDirector Delainey
    SecondedDirector Campsall

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated August 27, 2021, regarding the assignment of speakers to CRD Board resolutions at the upcoming UBCM Convention, be received. 


Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-11
    MovedDirector Massier
    SecondedDirector Bachmeier

    That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated September 3, 2021, regarding a request from the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin for a letter of support for its application to the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund, be received. Further, that the Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin be requested to provide more details on what the funding is to be used for and that a report be brought back to the October 1, 2021 meeting.


​​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-12
    MovedDirector Delainey
    SecondedDirector Cobb

    ​That the consent calendar items, as of September 10, 2021, be received.


Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-13
    MovedDirector Massier
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    That the minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held June 8, 2021, be received.


Stakeholder Vote - Weighted - Electoral Areas A, B, C, I and City of Quesnel

  • 2021-9-14
    MovedDirector Massier
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee meeting, held June 8, 2021, be endorsed:

    That the $22,500 previously allocated in the 2021 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks capital plan for barn replacement in Alex Fraser Park be reallocated to drainage improvements in the Park.


Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-15
    MovedDirector Glassford
    SecondedDirector Sjostrom

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated August 26, 2021, regarding Bylaw No. 5339, be received. Further, that West Fraser Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5339, 2021 be adopted this 10th day of September 2021.


Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-16
    MovedDirector Forseth
    SecondedDirector Fourchalk

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated August 27, 2021, regarding a request from Director Forseth for the Board to consider a memo from the BC Cattlemen’s Association advising members of BC SPCA’s intention to conduct proactive unannounced inspections of farms and ranches, under Section 15.1 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, be received. 


Policy requires 2/3rd of Electoral Area Directors in favour

  • 2021-9-17
    MovedDirector Forseth
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated August 25, 2021, regarding a request from Director Forseth to access up to $130 from the Electoral Area D Director Initiative Fund, to attend the Northern BC Solid Waste Management Forum hosted by NCLGA on October 12th and 13th, 2021, be received.

  • 2021-9-18
    MovedDirector Forseth
    SecondedDirector Bachmeier

    That Director Forseth be authorized to access up to $130 from the Electoral Area D Director Initiative Fund to attend the Northern BC Solid Waste Management Forum hosted by NCLGA on October 12th and 13th, 2021.


​​The Directors were given an opportunity to provide any brief reports/updates and/or appointments at this time.

  • 2021-9-19
    MovedDirector Bachmeier
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the previous appointment of Ronald Terlesky to the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission be rescinded. 


​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2021-9-20
    MovedDirector Delainey
    SecondedDirector Campsall

    ​That the meeting of Cariboo Regional District Board be adjourned at 11:11 a.m. September 10, 2021.
