Meeting #:
Committee Room, Cariboo Regional District
Suite D - 180 North Third Avenue
Williams Lake, BC
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director J. Sorley,
  • and Director C. Mernett
  • Director G. Kirby
  • L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant

The meeting was called to order by L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant.

First Call by the Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant for nominations for the position of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus for 2019.

Director Sorley nominated Director Forseth for the position of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus for 2019. Director Forseth accepted the nomination.

Second call for nominations for the position of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus.

Third call for nominations for the position of Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus.

There being no further nominations, the Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant declared nominations closed and declared Director Forseth Chair of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus for 2019.

  • CCR.2019-1-1

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-2

    That the minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held November 28, 2018, be amended to show a Grant for Assistance allocation of $755.50 to the Potato House Sustainable Community Society, allocated from the Electoral Area J Grants for Assistance fund rather than Electoral Area K.  Further, that the minutes be received and adopted as amended.

    By Consensus

Mike Lawrence, the new Quality Manager for Interior Roads, appeared before the Caucus to provide an update.

Larry Stranberg and Anne Burrill, representing the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake, appeared before the Caucus to provide an overview of the Council's activities and provide further information regarding their Grant for Assistance application.

  • CCR.2019-1-3

    That following consideration of the Grant for Assistance application from the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake, as per the Caucus' recommendation from the November 28, 2018 meeting as follows:

    That a representative from the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake and area be invited to the January 23, 2019 Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, to provide an overview of the Council's activities and provide further information regarding the conference that they are requesting Grants for Assistance Funding for.

    that a Grant for Assistance in the total amount of $4,000 be provided to the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake, divided equally and allocated from the Electoral Areas D, E, F and K Grants for Assistance funds.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-4

    That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated January 7, 2019, regarding the appointment of a Co-Chair to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee for 2019, be received. Further, that Director Angie Delainey be appointed as Co-Chair of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee for 2019.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-5

    That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated January 7, 2019 regarding appointments to various Central Cariboo Committees for 2019, be received.  Further, that appointments are made as follows:

    Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable - Director Angie Delainey

    Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce - Director Steve Forseth

    Central Cariboo Arts & Culture - Director Steve Forseth

    UNBC South Central Advisory Committee - Director Angie Delainey

    By Consensus

E. Epp, Manager of Communications, joined the meeting for discussion of this item.

  • CCR.2019-1-6

     That consideration of the agenda item summary from Emily Epp, Manager of Communications, dated January 7, 2019, regarding the 2019 Info Fair and Directors Meetings, be deferred until a new Electoral Area F Director has been elected and sworn in.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-7

    That the agenda item summary from John MacLean, CAO, dated January 10, 2019, regarding the proposed Williams Lake Fringe Fire Agreement Extension, be received. Further that the proposed two year extension of the Williams Lake Fringe Fire Agreement be approved at the current terms and conditions as presented, and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the extension agreement with the City of Williams Lake.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-8

    ​That the Action Page as presented at the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on January 15, 2019, be received.  Further, that Item 2 be removed from the Action Page.

    By Consensus
  • CCR.2019-1-9

    ​That the meeting of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus be adjourned at 4:25 p.m., January 15, 2019.

    By Consensus