Meeting #:
  • Chair B. Simpson,
  • Vice-Chair A. Richmond,
  • Director T. Armstrong,
  • Director J. Bruce,
  • Director J. Massier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director J. Sorley,
  • Director M. Wagner,
  • Director D. Cash,
  • Director R. William,
  • Director B. Anderson,
  • Director B. Coakley,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • and Director B. Kuch
  • Director S. Watson
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • A. Johnston, Corporate Officer,
  • C. Norman, Communications Assistant,
  • and M. Croft, Recording Secretary

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-1
    MovedDirector Bruce
    SecondedDirector Campsall

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-2
    MovedDirector Armstrong
    SecondedDirector Massier

    That the minutes of the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board meeting, held August 24, 2018, be received and adopted.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • CCH.2018-9-3
    MovedDirector Coakley
    SecondedDirector Wagner

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated August 29, 2018, regarding Bylaw No. 149, be received. Further, that Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Capital Expenditure (NH Electronic Medical Record Software Upgrade) Bylaw No. 149, 2018 be read a first, second and third time this 21st day of September, 2018.

    Carried Unanimously
  • CCH.2018-9-4
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Wagner

    That Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Capital Expenditure (NH Electronic Medical Record Software Upgrade) Bylaw No. 149, 2018 be adopted this 21st day of September, 2018.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-5
    MovedDirector Armstrong
    SecondedDirector Bruce

    That the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District consent calendar, as of September 21, 2018, be received.


    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-6
    MovedDirector Massier
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the News Release from Northern Health, dated September 10, 2018, announcing that Community Consultation meetings on Heart Health begins September 17th across the region, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-7
    MovedDirector Wagner
    SecondedDirector Coakley

    That the Project Synopsis for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Redevelopment Project, as provided by Interior Health, be received.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • CCH.2018-9-8
    MovedDirector Sorley
    SecondedDirector Massier

    That the agenda item summary from Scott Reid, Chief Financial Officer, dated September 11, 2018, regarding a building integrity funding request from Northern Health, be received. Further, that funding in the amount of $85,332 (40% of total building integrity project spending of $213,332) in four equal payments of $21,333 in each of the years 2019 to 2022 inclusive, be approved, and that the necessary bylaw be brought forward to the Board at its October 12, 2018 meeting for three readings and adoption.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

Director D. Cash joined the meeting at 9:39 AM.
  • CCH.2018-9-9
    MovedDirector Campsall
    SecondedDirector Bruce

    That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated September 13, 2018, regarding the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Recruitment and Retention Fund Policy, be received and endorsed with the amendments proposed by the Policy Committee.


    Carried Unanimously
  • CCH.2018-9-10
    MovedDirector Sorley
    SecondedDirector Bruce

    That the Recruitment and Retention contractual agreement be worded to provide clarity around "other healthcare professionals" with the intent to recruit and retain medical professionals and support staff within the region and an increased focus on retention.  Further, that a new Request for Proposal be submitted to investigate options for delivery. 

    Further, that the new Recruitment and Retention contract include the $15,000 increase; $5,000 for each of the Central, South and North regions, starting in 2019.

    Further, that the new contract include the requirement for consistent quarterly reports being provided to the Regional Hospital District indicating project completion and demonstrating how objectives were achieved.


    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-11
    MovedDirector Armstrong
    SecondedDirector Coakley

    That the letter from Northern Health, dated August 28, 2018, regarding "A Public Approach to Non-Medical Cannabis", be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • CCH.2018-9-12
    MovedDirector Wagner
    SecondedDirector Massier

    That the Interior Health and Northern Health Medical Health Officers be invited to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss the letter from Northern Health, dated August 28, 2018, regarding "A Public Approach to Non-Medical Cannabis". 

    Carried Unanimously

Chair Simpson provided a verbal update from the UBCM meeting with the Minister and meeting with Northern Health.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • CCH.2018-9-13
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Bruce

    That the meeting of the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board be adjourned at 10:07 a.m., September 21, 2018.

    Carried Unanimously