Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.

​(The meeting is scheduled to commence at 9:45 a.m.)

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the agenda be adopted as presented.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held September 6, 2024, be adopted.

Lauren Bedford, Regional Agriculture Business Liaison with Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin will be in attendance to present information regarding Community Futures' involvement in the regional agriculture industry, identifying gaps/needs and extend an invitation to an agriculture focused event in November.

Laurie Walters and Larry Stranberg from Community Futures Cariboo Chilcotin will be in attendance to provide an update on the PASS program (Planning a successful succession).

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

1387 Maple Dr.
Block A (Plan B5167), District Lot 3139, Cariboo District
From Rural 3 (RR 3) zone to Rural 2 (RR 2) zone
(3360-20/20240030 – Boat Lake Ventures Ltd.) (Agent:  Ultrawest Restoration)
Director Sjostrom

  • That Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5488, 2024 be read a first and second time this 26th day of September 2024.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

8270 Wilson Lake Road
District Lot 1448, Lillooet District, Except Plans 18940 and KAP61316
From Rural Residential 1 designation to Rural Residential 2 designation
From Rural 1 (RR 1) zone to Rural 2 (RR 2) zone
(3360-20/20240028 – Law) (Agent:  Michael Kidston)
Director de Vries

  • #1: That Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5489, 2024 be read a first and second time this 26th day of September 2024.

  • #2. That South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5490, 2024 be read a first and second time this 26th day of September 2024. Further, that adoption be subject to the following:

    1. Adoption of the Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5489, 2024.


    2. The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to sewage disposal and riparian protection.


    Further, that the cost of registration of the CRD Shoreland Management Policy covenant be borne by the applicant.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

605 Tibbles Road
The North ½ of District Lot 6704, Cariboo District, Except Plans 17113 and EPP97989
From Rural 1 (RR1) zone to Rural 2 (RR 2) zone
(3360-20/20240018 – Melanie Dydynsky)
Director Glassford

  • That North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5476, 2024 be read a third time, this 26th day of September 2024.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

2813 Chimney Lake Rd
Lot 27, Section 4, Township 42, Lillooet District, Plan 19701, Except Plans 29665, 40666 and KAP87381
(3090-20/20240014 – Field/Kwasny)
Director Neufeld

  • That the application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to Lot 27, Section 4, Township 42, Lillooet District, Plan 19701, Except Plans 29665, 40666 and KAP87381 be approved. Further, that a Development Variance Permit be issued to vary section 7.23 (c) (iii) (1) of the Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Bylaw No. 3503, 1999 as follows:

    That the maximum total floor area of a secondary dwelling be increased from 130 square metres (1400 square feet) to 202.99 square meters (2185 square feet) to permit the construction of a new secondary dwelling.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

2335 and 2371 Rawlings Rd
Lot A, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 21261 and Lot 1, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 19247, Except Plan 21261
(3015-20/B20240024 – McIntyre)
Director Bachmeier

  • That the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision pertaining to Lot A, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 21261 and Lot 1, District Lot 10947, Cariboo District, Plan 19247, Except Plan 21261 be rejected as it does not support agricultural use of the properties.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

2505 Gook Rd
Lot A, District Lot 3971, Cariboo District, Plan 11639
From Residential 2 (R 2) zone to Special Exception R 2-1 zone
(3360-20/20240021- Matthew) (Agent:  Peter Renyard)
Director Sjostrom

  • That the condition of adoption for Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5479, 2024 be replaced with the following:

    1. The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to riparian protection.


    Further, that the cost of registration of the shoreland management covenant be borne by the applicant.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Manager of Corporate Services of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot A District Lot 2939 Lillooet District Plan KAP56036 ; PID: 023-290-447.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.



​​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of August 2024, in the amount of $3,347,749.05, consisting of $4,053.63 paid by cheque, $3,238,097.01 paid through electronic funds, and $105,598.41 paid by Mastercard, be ratified.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the 2025 Board meeting schedule be endorsed as presented.

Corporate Vote - Weighted

Financial Implications section on the Agenda Item Summary updated at late publishing

  • Action at the discretion of the Board.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution from the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 5, 2024 be endorsed:

    That the CRD hereby confirms its desire to move forward with the establishment of a regional trails and parks service, and that the proposal be shared with the CRD's member municipalities to determine their desire to participate in the service. 

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following recommendation from the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 5, 2024 be endorsed:

    That a letter of support be provided to the Barkerville Heritage Trust for its bid to renew the Barkerville Management Agreement.

Stakeholder Vote - Weighted - Electoral Areas A, B, C and I

  • That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on September 10, 2024, be endorsed:

    That a funding contribution of $2,000 be provided from the North Cariboo Economic Development budget to the Kersley Farmers Institute in support of the Agriculture Producers Needs Assessment Project. Further, that review and potential action items from the assessment be included as a goal in the North Cariboo Economic Development 2025 Business Plan.

Stakeholder Vote - Weighted - Electoral Areas A, B, C, I and City of Quesnel

  • That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting on September 10, 2024 be endorsed:

    That as per the request of the Parkland Recreation Commission, the Cariboo Regional District provide 90-day notice of termination on October 1, 2024 to School District 28 as per Section (S) of the Licence to Occupy portions of the Parkland Elementary School, thus ending use of the school on December 31, 2024 as a community centre by the Commission.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That Wildwood Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5491, 2024 be read a first, second and third time this 26th day of September, 2024.

​​The Directors may provide any brief updates at this time.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

There will be items suitable for discussion in-camera pursuant to Sections 90(1)(a)(c)(e) of the Community Charter.

(Please note: In some circumstances, in-camera resolutions are released once the Board reconvenes in open session.)

  • That the meeting be closed to public to discuss items suitable for discussion in-camera pursuant to Sections 90(1)(a)(c)(e) of the Community Charter.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the meeting of Cariboo Regional District Board be adjourned at (TIME) p.m. September 26, 2024.

No Item Selected