That the agenda item summary from Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant, dated July 12, 2018, regarding a time sensitive recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Committee meeting held July 10, 2018, be received. Further, that the following recommendation be endorsed:
That $20,000 in Cariboo Strong funds be allocated towards the development of design drawings of the proposed First Nations Cultural Centre in Quesnel;
That $5,000 in Cariboo Strong funds be allocated towards development of plans to reconfigure the sani-loop to maximize RV traffic stops in Quesnel;
That $13,000 in Cariboo Strong funds be allocated towards forestry initiatives identified during the Forestry Think Tank and in the Community Wildfire Protection Plan; and
Further, that the $8,500 in Cariboo Strong funds allocated to the Snow Ball tournament be carried forward, in order to host a second, larger tournament in 2019.