Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.
  • Chair M. Wagner,
  • Vice-Chair J. Massier,
  • Director M. Sjostrom,
  • Director B. Bachmeier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director M. LeBourdais,
  • Director A. Richmond,
  • Director J. Glassford,
  • Director G. Kirby,
  • Director C. Mernett,
  • Director W. Macdonald,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director B. Simpson,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • and Director G. Fourchalk
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • K. Erickson, Chief Financial Officer,
  • A. Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO,
  • C. Keam, Manager of Communications,
  • L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant,
  • and M. Croft, Recording Secretary

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2020-3B-1
    MovedDirector Forseth
    SecondedDirector Fourchalk

    That the agenda be adopted as presented.

    Carried Unanimously

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

5396 and 5398 Timothy Lake Road
All That Unsurveyed Crown Land in the vicinity of Mount Timothy together with District Lots 8739, 8749, 8687 and 8688 together with that part of District Lot 8153 all of Lillooet District and containing 331.2 hectares, more or less
From Tourist Commercial (C 2) and Resource/Agricultural (RA 1) zones to Tourist Commercial (C 2 zone)
(3360-20/20190067 – 1188577 BC Ltd. dba Mt. Timothy Recreational Resort (FLNRO) (Agent: Walter Bramsleven)
Director Richmond

  • 2020-3B-2
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Mernett

    That Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5252, 2020 be read a third time this 27th day of March, 2020.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 2020-3B-3
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Forseth

    That Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5252, 2020 be adopted this 27th day of March, 2020.

    Carried Unanimously

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

5025 Tatton Station Road
District Lot 74, Lillooet District
(3015-20/G20200007 – Gerdum) (Agent: Karina Cibrian)
Director Richmond

  • 2020-3B-4
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Delainey

    That the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for a non-adhering residential use to allow a secondary dwelling within the Agricultural Land Reserve, pertaining to District Lot 74, Lillooet District, be received and submitted to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval.

    Carried Unanimously

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

  • 2020-3B-5
    MovedDirector Bachmeier
    SecondedDirector Sjostrom

    That the agenda item summary from John MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer, dated March 16, 2020, regarding a TELUS proposal to allow a wireless telecommunications facility at 1438 Paley Road, Bouchie Lake, BC, be received. Further, that concurrence be issued as follows:

    WHEREAS TELUS proposes to erect a wireless communications facility at the location PID: 010-879-646, Legal: NORTH WEST % OF DISTRICT LOT 86561 CARIBOO DISTRICT, Address: 1438 Paley Road, Bouchie Lake, BC, Coordinates: 52.999444°, -122.676111°.
    AND WHEREAS proponents of telecommunication towers are regulated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), formerly Industry Canada on behalf of the Government of Canada and as part of their approval, ISED requires proponents to consult with land use authorities as provided for in CPC-2-0-03;
    AND WHEREAS TELUS has consulted with the CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT following the CPC-2-0-03 and the CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT planning staff have no objection to the proposed telecommunications tower.
    AND WHEREAS TELUS has consulted with the public by notifying properties within three times the tower height and has provided a 30-day period for written public comment.
    AND WHEREAS there are no significant land use issues identified by the consultation.
    1. That staff be instructed to advise TELUS that:
    a) TELUS has satisfactorily completed its consultation with the CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT.
    b) The CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT is satisfied with TELUS's public consultation process
    and does not require any further consultation with the public; and
    c) The CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT concurs with TELUS's proposal to construct a wireless telecommunications facility provided it is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans dated November 4, 2019, submitted to the CARIBOO REGIONAL DISTRICT.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2020-3B-6
    MovedDirector LeBourdais
    SecondedDirector Forseth

    That the agenda item summary from Stuart Larson, Manager of Protective Services, dated March 13, 2020, regarding the proposed Sugarcane firehall, be received. Further, that the recommendation of staff to discontinue this project be endorsed and communicated to Williams Lake Indian Band.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • 2020-3B-7
    MovedDirector Richmond
    SecondedDirector Macdonald

    That the following recommendation from the South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting, held March 9, 2020, be endorsed:

    That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services dated March 6, 2020 regarding a proposed renewal of the South Cariboo Transit contribution agreement with the District of 100 Mile House, be received. Further, that the agreement be renewed for three years at the existing terms and conditions and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to execute the agreement.

    Carried Unanimously

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • 2020-3B-8
    MovedDirector Glassford
    SecondedDirector Kirby

    That the agenda item summary from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated March 19, 2020, regarding Bylaw No. 5263, be received. Further, that Cariboo Regional District 2020 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 5263, 2020 be read a first, second and third time this 27th day of March 2020.


    CONTRARY TO THE MOTION:  Director Forseth

  • 2020-3B-9
    MovedDirector Massier
    SecondedDirector Richmond

    That Cariboo Regional District 2020 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 5263, 2020 be adopted this 27th day of March 2020.


    CONTRARY TO THE MOTION:  Director Forseth

Corporate Vote - Weighted

  • 2020-3B-10
    MovedDirector Sjostrom
    SecondedDirector Macdonald

    That the agenda item summary from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated March 19, 2020, regarding Bylaw No. 5265, be received. Further, that Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 5265, 2020 be read a first, second and third time this 27th day of March 2020.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 2020-3B-11
    MovedDirector Simpson
    SecondedDirector Forseth

    That a letter be forwarded to the Province requesting clarification in regard to property taxation; whether deferment will be possible and what impact this may have on local government tax requisitions.

    Carried Unanimously
  • 2020-3B-12
    MovedDirector Mernett
    SecondedDirector Macdonald

    That Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 5265, 2020 be adopted this 27th day of March 2020.

    Carried Unanimously

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • 2020-3B-13
    MovedDirector Kirby
    SecondedDirector Glassford

    ​That the meeting of Cariboo Regional District Board be adjourned at 10:25 a.m. March 27, 2020.

    Carried Unanimously