Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.
  • Chair J. Glassford,
  • Director M. Sjostrom,
  • Director B. Bachmeier,
  • Director J. Massier,
  • Director S. Forseth,
  • Director A. Delainey,
  • Director M. LeBourdais,
  • Director A. Richmond,
  • Director M. Wagner,
  • Director G. Kirby,
  • Director W. Macdonald,
  • Director W. Cobb,
  • Director B. Simpson,
  • Director M. Campsall,
  • and Director G. Fourchalk
  • Director C. Mernett
  • J. MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer,
  • K. Erickson, Chief Financial Officer,
  • L. Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer,
  • and M. Croft, Recording Secretary

  • FBC.2021-1-1
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Massier

    ​That the agenda items be adopted as presented.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-2
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the minutes of the Finance-Budget Committee meeting held October 22, 2020, be received and adopted.

    Carried Unanimously

(Business Plans that were not presented at the October Finance/Budget Committee meeting)

  • FBC.2021-1-3
    Moved byDirector Sjostrom
    Seconded byDirector Forseth

    That the 2021 Areas A - L Administration (All) (10XX) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously

    Director G. Kirby joined the meeting.

  • FBC.2021-1-4
    Moved byDirector Richmond
    Seconded byDirector Kirby

    That the 2021 Grants for Assistance (12XX) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-5
    Moved byDirector Cobb
    Seconded byDirector Simpson

    That the 2021 Municipal Fiscal Services (1001) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-6
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector Massier

    That the 2021 Feasibility Study (1004) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously

    Director Campsall joined the meeting.

  • FBC.2021-1-7
    Moved byDirector Forseth
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the 2021 Rural Feasibility Study (1019) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-8
    Moved byDirector Delainey
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That the 2021 Governance (1024) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-9
    Moved byDirector Sjostrom
    Seconded byDirector Massier

    That the 2021 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks (1554) business plan be received.

    Carried Unanimously

(Business Plans that have been revised since the October Finance/Budget Committee meeting)

  • FBC.2021-1-10
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Richmond

    That the 2021 South Cariboo Economic Development (1017) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-11
    Moved byDirector Kirby
    Seconded byDirector Macdonald

    That the Central Cariboo Economic Development (1025) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-12
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the 2021 North Cariboo Economic Development (1026) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-13
    Moved byDirector Wagner
    Seconded byDirector Fourchalk

    That the 2021 South Cariboo Transit (1028) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously

    S. Larson, Manager of Protective Services, joined the meeting.

  • FBC.2021-1-14
    Moved byDirector Kirby
    Seconded byDirector Fourchalk

    That the 2021 CRD Quesnel Highway Rescue (1376) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-15
    Moved byDirector Campsall
    Seconded byDirector Cobb

    That the 2021 CRD Quesnel Search and Rescue (1377) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-16
    Moved byDirector Cobb
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the 2021 Central Cariboo Recreation (1553) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-17
    Moved byDirector Macdonald
    Seconded byDirector Sjostrom

    That the 2021 Heritage Conservation (1670) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-18
    Moved byDirector Simpson
    Seconded byDirector Forseth

    That the 2021 Emergency Programs and Disaster Resilience (All EAs) (1385) business plan be received as revised.

    Carried Unanimously

    S. Larson, Manager of Protective Services, left the meeting.

  • FBC.2021-1-19
    Moved byDirector LeBourdais
    Seconded byDirector Campsall

    That the agenda item summary from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated January 7, 2021, with attached Provisional 2021 – 2025 Five Year Financial Plan reports, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-20
    Moved byDirector Sjostrom
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    That the agenda item summary from Kevin Erickson, Chief Financial Officer, dated January 7, 2021, regarding an update on CRD 2021 insurance renewal, with attached insurance renewal proposal and schedule of allocation amounts, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-21
    Moved byDirector Bachmeier
    Seconded byDirector Kirby

    That the memorandum from John MacLean, Chief Administrative Officer, dated January 13, 2021, regarding the allocation of the COVID-19 Safe Restart Funds, be received.

    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-22
    Moved byDirector Richmond
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That COVID-19 Safe Restart funds be allocated towards the following projects:

    • CRD Community Support - Recreation Facility Support  ($300,000)
    • CRD Community Support - Community Hall Support  ($108,000)
    • CRD Emergency Programs - Capacity Building  ($100,000)
    • CRD Finance - Digitization and Digital Records  ($46,550)
    • CRD Community Services - Anahim Airport Support  ($41,250)
    • South Cariboo Mental Health Supports  ($70,000)
    Carried Unanimously
  • FBC.2021-1-23
    Moved byDirector Sjostrom
    Seconded byDirector LeBourdais

    That COVID-19 Safe Restart funds in the amount of $171,200 be approved for allocation towards the CRD Community Services - Audio/Visual recreation facilities project.


    CONTRARY TO THE MOTION:  Director Forseth

  • FBC.2021-1-24
    Moved byDirector Forseth
    Seconded byDirector Delainey

    ​That the Finance/Budget Committee meeting be adjourned at 2:56 p.m., January 14, 2021.

    Carried Unanimously
No Item Selected