Cariboo Regional District Board Room
Suite D - 180 Third Avenue North
Williams Lake, B.C.

​(The meeting is scheduled to commence at 9:45 a.m.)

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the agenda be adopted as presented.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held January 24, 2025, be adopted.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

4569 Canim- Hendrix Lake Road
Lot 1, District Lot 2939, Lillooet District, Plan 12584, Except Plan 40539
From Institutional designation to Upland Residential designation
From Institutional (P) zone to Residential 2 (R 2) zone
(3360-20/20220035 – Calibrate Assessments Limited) (Agent:  Lee Prevost)
Director Wagner

  • That South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5433, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5434, 2023 be read a third time, this 28th day of February 2025.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

7271 Barkerville Hwy
District Lot 5299, Cariboo District; and District Lot 388, Cariboo District; and All That Unsurveyed Crown Land Adjacent to District Lot 388, Cariboo District and Containing 1369.71 Hectares, More or Less
From Resource/Agricultural (R/A), Rural 1 (RR 1), Rural 2 (RR 2), Tourist Commercial (C 2) zone to Comprehensive Development 1 (CD 1) zone
(3360-20/20220009 – Troll Resort Ltd.) (Agent:  Brian Bennett & Scott Zacharias)
Director Massier

  • That North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5486, 2024 be read a third time, this 28th day of February 2025.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

8270 Wilson Lake Rd
District Lot 1448, Lillooet District, Except Plans 18940 and KAP61316
From Rural Residential 1 designation to Rural Residential 2 designation
From Rural 1 (RR 1) zone to Rural 2 (RR 2) zone
(3360-20/20240028 – Law)
Director de Vries

  • That Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5489, 2024 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5490, 2024 be read a third time, this 28th day of February 2025.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

7589 Ingento Rd
Parcel J (Being A Consolidation of Lots 194 and 195, See LB224730), District Lot 3721, Lillooet District, Plan 21280
(3090-20/20240049 – Jensen/Cummings)
Director de Vries

  • That the application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to Parcel J (Being A Consolidation of Lots 194 and 195, See LB224730), District Lot 3721, Lillooet District, Plan 21280 be approved. Further, that a Development Variance Permit be issued to vary Section 4.14 (e) of the South Cariboo Area Zoning Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 as follows:

    That the maximum height of ancillary structures on a lot less than 0.4 ha (0.99 ac.) be increased from 6 m (19.7 ft.) to 6.4 m (21.0 ft.) to legalize the construction of the existing garage.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

6143 Green Lake North Rd
Lot 1, District Lot 3779, Lillooet District, Plan 34876
(3015-20/L20240054 – Bless Holdings Ltd.) (Agent:  Leslie Schopf)
Director de Vries

  • That the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for non-farm use, pertaining to Lot 1, District Lot 3779, Lillooet District, Plan 34876 be received and authorized for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, with a recommendation for approval, subject to rezoning.

Stakeholder Vote – Unweighted – All Electoral Areas

4569 Canim-Hendrix Lake Road
Lot 1, District Lot 2939, Lillooet District, Plan 12584, Except Plan 40539
From Institutional designation to Upland Residential designation
From Institutional (P) zone to Residential 2 (R 2) zone
(3360-20/20220035 – Calibrate Assessments Limited) (Agent:  Lee Prevost)
Director Wagner

  • That the application completion deadline for Official Community Plan and Rezoning application 3360-20/20220035 be extended to October 14, 2025.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer / Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Parcel A (Being a consolidation of Lots 6 and 7, See CA4715816) District Lot 4999 Cariboo District Plan 19660; PID: 029-683-033.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer / Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for District Lot 1083A Lillooet District Except Plan 27445; PID: 013-299-999.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer/Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot 6 District Lot 3922A Lillooet District Plan 9419; PID: 009-693-921.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

    And further still, that staff be directed to proceed with further enforcement action.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer / Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot 12 District Lot 4049 Lillooet District Plan 22538; PID: 006-812-368.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer / Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot A District Lot 3869 Lillooet District Plan 13407; PID: 005-329-744.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer/Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot A District Lot 348 Lillooet District Plan KAP13231; PID: 009-254-358.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

Stakeholder Vote – Weighted – Electoral Areas A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and L

  • That the Corporate Officer / Deputy CAO of the Cariboo Regional District be directed to file Notice on Title in the Land Title Office, in accordance with Section 57 of the Community Charter for Lot 5 District Lot 3749 Lillooet District Plan 22973; PID: 006-627-048.

    Further, upon confirmation from the Chief Building Official that the matter has been resolved and an approved final inspection issued, the Notice may be discharged from the title upon receipt of the fee stipulated in the Building Bylaw.

    And further still, that staff be directed to proceed with further enforcement action.

Irene Gilbert, President, Alana Dixon, Director and Graham Leslie, Secretary, of the Northern Secwepecmc Cultural Society will be in attendance to provide un update on the status of the recently completed cultural centre construction project.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the Board support the submission of applications for Infrastructure Planning Grants of $10,000 for each of the CRD’s 16 water and sewer systems (103 Mile, 108 Mile, Alexis Creek, Benjamin, Canim Lake, Forest Grove, Gateway, Horse Lake, Lac La Hache, Lexington and Russet Bluff water systems, and Alexis Creek, Lac La Hache, Pine Valley, Red Bluff and Wildwood sewer systems).

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the Likely & District Chamber of Commerce grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Community Places stream for $20,784 to revitalize and enhance the historical and heritage displays within the Cedar Point Park area be supported for submission.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the Nazko Valley Community Centre Society’s grant application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Community Places stream for $30,000 to assist with renovation costs to convert an unfinished room in the community centre into a multipurpose room, be supported for submission.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the Williams Lake Cycling Club grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Fabulous Festivals and Events stream for $2,500 to assist with costs for their 2nd Annual Ride Your Ride Women’s Mountain Bike Festival, be supported for submission.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the Williams Lake Rustlers Rugby Club grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Community Places stream for $30,000 to assist with improvements at Rodger’s Rink, be supported for submission.



​​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of January 2025, in the amount of $1,759,444.69, consisting of $26,193.85 paid by cheque, $1,614,572.60 paid through electronic funds, and $118,678.24 paid by Mastercard, be ratified.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution be approved for submission to the 2025 NCLGA convention:

    Mental Health Supports for Elected Officials

    WHEREAS the stresses faced by local elected officials are increasing due to a degradation in the tone of civil discourse;

    AND WHEREAS additional mental health supports for local elected officials would be beneficial beyond what is provided by the Medical Services Plan and extended health plans;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that NCLGA and UBCM call upon the Province of British Columbia to implement initiatives that offer mental health supports tailored to the needs of local elected leaders in British Columbia.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution be approved for submission to the 2025 NCLGA Convention:

    Unpaid Leave Provisions for Elected Officials

    WHEREAS local government elected officials are required to attend meetings, conventions, and conferences to perform their official duties, often requiring absences from their place of employment to do so;

    AND WHEREAS there are no provisions in provincial or federal employment legislation for local elected officials to allow them to take such absences as required to perform their official duties;

    THEREFORE be it resolved that the NCLGA and UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia for amendments to the Employment Standards Act to include unpaid leave of absence provisions to protect the employment of elected officials and allow them to attend Board / Council meetings, conventions, and conferences in the performance of their official duties;

    AND FURTHER be it resolved that the NCLGA, UBCM, and FCM lobby the Government of Canada for amendments to the Canada Labour Code to include unpaid leave of absence provisions to protect the employment of elected officials and allow them to attend Board / Council meetings, conventions, and conferences in the performance of their official duties.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution be approved for submission to the 2025 NCLGA convention:

    Quesnel North-South Interconnector Funding

    WHEREAS Highway 97 is a very significant provincial highway that is critical to the continued economic prosperity of Northern and Central BC and all British Columbia;

    AND WHEREAS Highway 97 is at a considerable and growing risk level for extended delays due to aged-out highway infrastructure in Quesnel, and unacceptable construction delays in the future based on the current plans by the Ministry of Transportation and Transit;

    THEREFORE be it resolved that the NCLGA and UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to commit capital financing to complete the Quesnel North-South Interconnector project.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution be approved for submission to the 2025 NCLGA Convention:

    Accessory Dwellings in the Agricultural Land Reserve

    WHEREAS manufactured homes are recognized as a common, affordable, and readily available form of housing across the province, particularly in rural areas, having limited long term impact to underlying soil conditions due to their surface mounted design;

    AND WHEREAS on Dec 31, 2021, in an effort to provide housing flexibility in the ALR, the province permitted a second dwelling unit to be constructed within the ALR to a maximum of 90 sq. m. on parcels of 40 hectares or less in size, which represents a non-standard, custom-sized manufactured home, often preventing the construction of flexible additional housing within the ALR;

    THEREFORE, be it resolved that NCLGA and UBCM call on the Province of B.C. to amend the ALC Act and associated regulations accordingly to permit the construction of either a 90 sq. m. accessory dwelling unit or a standard-sized manufactured home up to a maximum 148 sq. m. total floor area on parcels under 40 ha within the ALR.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following resolution be approved for submission to the 2025 NCLGA Convention:

    Agricultural Land Reserve Boundary Review

    WHEREAS ALR boundaries were established in the early 1970’s, and no province-wide reviews have been conducted since that time in spite of technological progression and data maturity about the suitability of those boundaries;

    AND WHEREAS it is well known, particularly in rural areas of the province, that large areas of the ALR are unviable for agriculture, and conversely, some areas of high agricultural value were left out in the initial rush to delineate protected agricultural areas in BC, negatively impacting British Columbians’ confidence in the value and importance of the ALR:

    THEREFORE be it resolved that NCLGA and UBCM encourage the Province to mandate, appropriately staff, and fund both the ALC and Regional Districts to conduct a comprehensive, collaborative, data-driven, expeditious, province-wide review of the ALR boundaries to ensure the highest quality agricultural lands are protected for the next 50 years, and that appropriate lands unsuitable for agriculture be identified in collaboration with Regional Districts and member municipalities to allow for 20 years of growth, in alignment with provincial housing and land use mandates for local governments.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following recommendation from the Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on January 22, 2025 be endorsed:

    That the following representatives be appointed for 2025:

    Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce - Director Neufeld
    Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society - Director LeBourdais
    UNBC South Central Advisory Committee - Director Anderson

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on January 21, 2025, be endorsed:

    That the Caucus endorse the following appointments:

    South-Central Regional Advisory Committee to UNBC/CNC – Director Sjostrom

    North Cariboo Air Quality Roundtable - Director Massier

    North Cariboo Seniors Council - Director Sjostrom

    Quesnel Housing Solutions Table - Director Bachmeier

    City of Quesnel Accessibility Committee - Director Sjostrom

    Quesnel Airport Advisory Committee – Director Glassford

    Further, that reports from recent meetings of these committees be kept as a standing item on each rural caucus agenda.

Stakeholder Vote - Weighted - Electoral Areas A, B, C and I

  • That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on January 21, 2025, be endorsed:

    That $2,000 from the 2025 North Cariboo Economic Development budget be provided to the organizers of the Ski and Snowboard provincial competition as per the approved business plan goal to support conferences and events as important tourism opportunities.

Stakeholder Vote - Weighted - Electoral Areas A, B, C and I

  • That the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on January 21, 2025, be endorsed:

    That $5,000 from the 2025 North Cariboo Economic Development budget be provided to the Friends of Barkerville for the Highway 24 tourism kiosk rehabilitation project as per the approved business plan goal to support partnerships for economic development projects and activities.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That the following recommendation from the South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus meeting on February 10, 2025, be endorsed:

    That Director Wagner be appointed to the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce and Director Richmond be appointed to the South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation for 2025.

    Further, that reports from recent meetings of these appointments be kept as a standing item on each rural caucus agenda.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That West Fraser Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5498, 2025 be read a first, second, and third time this 28th day of February 2025

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That 100 Mile House Fire Protection Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5499, 2025 be read a first, second, and third time this 28th day of February 2025.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That Lac La Hache Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5500, 2025 be read a first, second, and third time this 28th day of February 2025.

Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • That Central Cariboo Search and Rescue Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5461, 2024 be adopted this 28th day of February 2025.

​​The Directors may provide any brief updates at this time.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

There will be items suitable for discussion in-camera pursuant to Sections 90(1)(g)(f) and (i) of the Community Charter.

(Please note: In some circumstances, in-camera resolutions are released once the Board reconvenes in open session.)

  • That the meeting be closed to public to discuss items suitable for discussion in-camera pursuant to Sections 90(1)(g)(f) and (i) of the Community Charter.

​Corporate Vote - Unweighted

  • ​That the meeting of Cariboo Regional District Board be adjourned at (TIME) p.m. February 28, 2025.

No Item Selected